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Cherish It
Belly Casts are a popular trend amongst expectant mothers these days. A belly cast is a plaster cast made of the mommy-to-be's beautiful pregnant form and is a perfect 3D memento of the expecting mom's belly or torso.
To create a pregnancy belly case we apply several layers of wet plaster strips to the front of the mommy-to-be's body. After allowing the strips to set to hold her shape the belly cast will come away from her body. The belly cast will then be smoothed to perfection and the end product will capture how beautiful the mommy-to-be looked during her pregnancy.
Once made, a belly cast can be left as is for a simple, elegant look or it can be painted in any way imaginable!
We will make a premium white plaster belly cast that will be sanded to a smooth perfection and will be the perfect 3D memento for you to cherish forever. Also included is our Late Peek Ultrasound Package.
Belly Casting & Late Peek Ultrasound Package
($35+ Weeks)
10 minutes
Digital Images
Baby Weight
$275* (Package $75, White Belly Cast $200)
*Belly casting is cash only
*Pay in full at time of booking
*No refunds on this combo package or belly cast
*Can get belly cast by itself $200